A game with oneself
Climbing is not a battle with the elements, nor against the law of gravity.
It’s a game with oneself.
I’m glad I am playing this game!
Climbing is not a battle with the elements, nor against the law of gravity.
It’s a game with oneself.
I’m glad I am playing this game!
I’m climbing a difficult road; but the greatness gives me strength.
If you’re climbing the ladder of life, you go rung by rung, one step at a time. Don’t look too far up, set your goals high but take one step at a time. Sometimes you don’t think you’re progressing until you step back and see how high you’ve really gone.
Zdaj je poletje mimo
in bi ga lahko nikoli ne bilo.
Na soncu je toplo.
A vendar mora biti nekaj več.
Vse je minilo,
padlo je v moje dlani
kot list petih cvetov.
A vendar mora biti nekaj več.
Nič slabega se ni izgubilo.
Nič dobrega ni bilo zaman,
v ognju čiste svetlobe,
a vendar mora biti nekaj več.
Življenje me je varno
vzelo pod svoje krilo,
moja sreča je zdržala,
a vendar mora biti nekaj več.
Noben list ni izgorel,
nobena vejica ni počila.
Dan je stekleno jasen,
a vendar mora biti nekaj več.
Arseny Tarkovsky,
iz angleščine prepesnila Tajda Lekše